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Cours gratuits > Forum : Exercices du forum [ POSTER UN NOUVEAU SUJET ]
Retrouvez des centaines d'exercices ici et créez votre propre test ici. D'autres exercices sont également disponibles dans le forum English only

Adverbe (8h) Our Story/175 (10h) LS61/let's have a break 8 (11h)
Forme passive avec andare (16h) Playing with words/55 (29h) Ex 274/conflicts (31h)
Points forum (61h) Isométrie (72h) Duolingo - fiable ou pas ? (79h)

Page 5 [Début]

Ex 253/ terrible times 4here4u 29-06-2023 23:39:55
Let's Suggest /3932here4u 18-06-2023 18:55:52
Our Story/15347here4u 15-06-2023 22:27:49
Ex 252/ le temps passe 6here4u 14-06-2023 22:54:22
Playing with words/ 436here4u 31-05-2023 10:19:26
Our Story/15231here4u 30-05-2023 17:49:42
Ex 251/ poor Lexington7here4u 29-05-2023 23:08:16
Let's suggest /3813here4u 27-05-2023 23:41:54
Our Story/15139here4u 15-05-2023 10:36:37
Ex 250/ traduisons encore7here4u 13-05-2023 23:27:02
Let's Suggest/3719here4u 13-05-2023 11:44:16
Playing with words /426here4u 30-04-2023 21:23:35
Ex 249/back home after a good evening 6here4u 29-04-2023 23:46:10
Our Story/15043here4u 28-04-2023 21:55:56
Let's Suggest/3613here4u 28-04-2023 14:46:28
Our Story/14950here4u 16-04-2023 12:31:53
Ex 248/ trying to help7here4u 14-04-2023 22:40:09
Let's suggest/3517here4u 14-04-2023 15:27:05
Our Story/14848here4u 31-03-2023 04:49:20
Playing with words/416here4u 30-03-2023 21:38:33

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