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Cours gratuits > Forum : Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons [ POSTER UN NOUVEAU SUJET ]
Tout ce qui n'a pas un rapport direct avec les difficultés liées à la langue anglaise : par exemple, les thèmes généraux sur l'apprentissage de la langue, les jeux etc.

Ex 275/a mixed couple? (55') Faut-il faire la liaison? (9h) A mon avis, selon moi (9h)
Our Story/176 (10h) All pronunciations in French (14h) Playing with words/55 (45h)
Duolingo - fiable ou pas ? (61h) Our Story/175 (65h) Ex 274/conflicts (71h)

Page 3 [Début]

The missing vowels/3873marit64 03-03-2021 19:12:01
The missing vowels/3863marit64 24-02-2021 20:56:28
The missing vowels/3853marit64 17-02-2021 21:46:30
The missing vowels /3847marit64 08-02-2021 18:20:38
The missing vowels/3833marit64 01-02-2021 15:42:24
Lettre/motivation0bbbbbbbb 30-01-2021 19:54:55
Correction/ motivation0noemie56 26-01-2021 16:32:15
Cover letter/correction0xunli 26-01-2021 14:46:51
Correction/lettre motivation3hannah0123 25-01-2021 18:50:46
Correction/lettre motivation0lakota13 23-01-2021 16:50:40
The missing vowels/3823marit64 21-01-2021 23:46:45
The missing vowels /3813marit64 18-01-2021 17:20:59
The missing vowels/3803marit64 11-01-2021 09:37:25
The missing vowels /3793marit64 01-01-2021 17:16:32
The missing vowels /3785marit64 27-12-2020 21:04:42
Apprendre/ rap3anonyme 24-12-2020 09:39:59
The missing vowels /3773marit64 20-12-2020 21:29:37
The missing vowels/3763marit64 16-12-2020 07:24:34
The missing vowels/3753marit64 09-12-2020 16:30:06
The missing vowels /3743marit64 30-11-2020 22:04:15

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